Who is Autistic Azy?

Heyo! I am an agender, autistic and deaf artist who wants to make people happy with cute things. All of my products are designed by me and/or are handmade by me. I hope you enjoy my creations.


Wee! (*•w•*)

Check these out! (* ^w^*)


Here are some of my best artworks~


OMG Guess What!?

Chicken Butt (- w -)

  • A message from AZY

    Heyo, I'm Azy. I created my business all on my own to help spread awareness about autism, hearing impairments, and to make money from doing what I love: Art! Whether you purchase from me or not I truly hope you can support me on my journey and stick around to see me blossom from a wee lil idiot to a giant successful idiot!

    WEE!!! - Azy